Behavioural Interventions on Social Distancing: Smart Distance Lab
A series of research studies conducted during test events to explore innovative solutions for preventing virus transmission.
status: finished
quick facts
2 tests
The Smart Distance Lab carried out tests at an art exhibition and supermarket
diverse coalition
The project brought together technology companies, the events industry, retail businesses, municipalities, and leading scientists from institutions such as TU Delft and the University of Amsterdam
exploitable results
The results of the projects are published in scientific articles and reports available below, which can be used in further studies to promote safe and functional environments
During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a strong need for innovative approaches to designing events and managing spaces to prevent virus transmission.
Through scientific research, the Smart Distance Lab developed strategies for organising events and designing spaces that minimise the risk of COVID-19 transmission while fostering safe and functional environments.
project overview
timeline: 2020-2021
test 1 : Smart Distance Lab - The Art Fair
On August 28, 29, and 30, 2020 the first Smart Distance Lab edition, The Art Fair, took place in the Kromhouthal in Amsterdam. During this event, research was conducted on various COVID-19 measures for events. Scientists and businesses collaborated to study which measures work well in practice, which could be improved, and what innovative solutions might be devised. These included concepts like different types of directional flows, buzzers, and face masks. Visitors to the art fair were surveyed and filmed before, during, and after the event. The buzzers also incorporated technology to track the number of safety violations in terms that vistors could transmit the virus.
The art fair showcased with support of the Mondriaan Fund the graduate work of the 28 best graduates from 2019 and 2020. These artists were selected in collaboration with curators, art schools, galleries, and fellow artists. Leading up to the event, they received intensive coaching from art professionals.
During the Smart Distance Lab The Art Fair at the Kromhouthal, visitors were monitored using cameras and distance meters. The data collected from these measurements is being expertly analyzed by the University of Amsterdam.
The gathered data is currently undergoing further analysis. Below are the initial preliminary results:
test 2 : Smart Distance Lab - The Supermarket
During a seven-day study in late March 2021 at a Plus supermarket in Veldhoven, visitors were provided with a sensor that recorded the distance between individuals. Over the course of the research, various scenarios were compared based on the number and duration of interactions between visitors. The data was analyzed using a data analysis pipeline developed by the University of Amsterdam, taking into account the varying levels of crowd density in the supermarket at different times.
To date, a concise report on the preliminary results has been produced, and a scientific article has been published.
media coverage about Smart Distance Lab
The initial results of the Smart Distance Lab were discussed during two livestreams, which can be rewatched below: Smart Distance Lab Talks from Felix Meritis and from Huis ter Duin. Smart Distance Lab from Huis ter Duin
Smart Distance Lab TALKS from Felix Meritus:
Press about Smart Distance Lab
Universiteit van Amsterdam, Het Smart Distance Lab helpt je afstand te houden in de supermarkt
RTL Nieuws, ‘Winkelwagens in supermarkten zorgen niet voor 1,5 meter afstand’
NOS, Hoe houd je het beste afstand in de supermarkt? Dat onderzoeken ze in Veldhoven
Hart van Nederland, Onderzoek: verplicht winkelen met karretje heeft geen effect op afstand houden
De Morgen, Nederlands onderzoek: ‘Winkelkarretje in supermarkt maakt geen verschil bij het afstand houden’
Volkskrant, Niet door winkelwagentjes, maar door paaseitjes houden mensen afstand in de supermarkt
Telegraaf, Winkelwagens in supermarkten zorgen niet voor 1,5 meter afstand, Ook zinloos tegen corona: verplichte winkelwagen, Winkelwagens zorgen volgens onderzoek niet voor 1,5 meter afstand
Omroep Brabant, Experiment in supermarkt: hoe ver kun je gaan met coronamaatregelen?
Algemeen Dagblad, ‘Winkelwagens in supermarkten zorgen niet voor 1,5 meter afstand’
De Limburger, Besmet in de supermarkt? ’Meeste klanten hebben slechts vluchtig contact’
Retailtrends, ‘Verplichte winkelwagen in supermarkt zorgt niet voor 1,5 meter afstand’
Onderzoek Smart Distance Lab – The Art Fair
The Smart Distance Lab was made possible through the dedication of numerous volunteers, sponsors, and businesses. Below is a selection of the partners:
Ministerie van Economische Zaken, Mondriaan Fonds, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Sustainable Scale- Up Foundation, TU Delft, De Kromhouthal, SVP Sfeerbeheer, Game Solution Lab, Cap Gemini, Sentech, Centillien, Stichting Art in Redlight, Proxemy, Tom Postma Design, Heron fireworks, Marques Vormmakers, Copsonic, Stager, Games for Health, Temperatuurcheck, Hygeniq, Easy2rent, BloemBloem, NederlandWerktDoor.TV, Aura-Aware, Smile-Utrecht, Piet Hoevenaars, Crowdband, SoStark, ItoM
Smart Distance Lab team
Maya van der Steenhoven
Tessa Blanken
Charlotte Tanis
Denny Borsboom
Meier Boersma
Zuzana Wilms
Nathan Wiersma
Yuri Jansen
Sonja van Meerbeek
Rene Luigies